Thursday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m. - at the Andres Pico Adobe.

Horror movies go back to the late 19th century and the birth of the movie industry. Galen Wilkes will host our special Halloween meeting and share some of the earliest horror films ever made. The program will include an early film by George Melies whose special effects became standard in horror films for the next 50 years. You’ll be treated to witches, classic horror characters Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, and Dorian Gray and a hand-drawn 1920s Felix the Cat cartoon. Historic theater slides dating from cinema’s early years will be part of the show.

Galen Wilkes has devoted himself to the arts and entertainment of the early 20th century since he was a teen. He began collecting films while in high school and soon was hosting a film series in his native Connecticut. Ragtime music and early film are two genres which he champions, but he supports many types of historic preservation. He has composed and published six volumes of music, and his work has been heard all over the country in festivals and concerts. As a historian, he puts his massive research into the creation of his shows. He has produced two radio series (in New York and Los Angeles), directed an orchestra, produced the Ragtime Ball, has written for CD productions and magazines, and has lectured nationwide.

You can see and hear more on his website & You Tube channel.
Join us for this rare Halloween treat! If you dare!