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The Buried History of Valhalla Memorial Park - presented by Mark Masek

March 28 at 7:00 p.m. - at New Life Church of the Nazarene

Other cemeteries in the LA area might be more well-known, but none have a history that can compare with 101-year-old Valhalla Memorial Park in Burbank. Its early days are fascinating and fraudulent, colorful and criminal, filled with shady business dealings, lying salesmen, furious customers, a famous evangelist, plane crashes, a mysterious suicide, and a fake pardon from President Calvin Coolidge for a convicted conman. And that was just in its first 15 years.

Today, visitors to Valhalla see winding roads, trees, flowers, and architecture. It now seems quiet and serene but our March speaker will unveil its secret history. Mark Masek is the author of Hollywood Remains to Be Seen: A Guide to the Movie Stars’ Final Homes. It features 14 cemeteries in the Los Angeles area, their history, and instructions on how to find the final resting places of over 300 notables and celebrities. You can purchase his book here. He’s also written nine e-books, and has appeared on TV, radio and newspapers as a “celebrity cemetery expert.”

Mark has 25 years of experience as a reporter, editor and photographer. He writes

about little-known cemetery stories on his website, Come hear this fascinating program! Our Speaker Meetings are always FREE, but donations are appreciated.


Andres Pico Adobe

10940 Sepulveda Blvd.

Mission Hills, CA 91345



SFVHS Headquarters

10940 Sepulveda Blvd.

Mission Hills, CA 91345

SFVHS Mailing Address

P.O. Box 7043

Mission Hills, CA 91346

Pioneer Cemetery

14451 Bledsoe Street

Sylmar, CA 91342

Hours of Operation

Sundays: 1pm - 4pm

Mondays: 10am - 4pm

*Holidays Excluded*

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